Saturday, June 28, 2008


So this is the first chance I've gotten to put any pictures up so far on Randy's and mine's stay in Philly with Marcy and Chris. And the pics aren't loading too quickly, so we'll see how long it'll take my patience to run out. :]

Let's start from the top:
SLC Airport

Waiting for our flight from Salt Lake to Denver. Security and baggage check went bu suprisingly fast, so we had a good two hours to spare. So we claimed our patch of airport carpet and played 21 for and hour. Yeha.

I suck at 21.
I'm not going to have this straight of hair until I touch back down in SLC. I shouldn't have even brought my blow dryer- it takes half an hour to blow dry my mass of hair in our desert, let alone in humid Philadelphia. I don't even bother trying.

Good 'ol Frontier and it almost every flight going through Denver. Can't say I mind though. That airport's pretty sweet.

Now in Denver, Colorado.

Winds coming from the south at 5 mph and 75 degrees, according to the pilot. We never got to experience any of it on our 40 min layover.

The Philly Airport bathroom's welcoming.

Sorry, I'm not going to get beyond the airports tonight.

I'm tired.

The other already 100 pics are hopefully soon to come.

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