Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
bla blee bla bla.
Updates since last post:
The Saturday event with the pirate clues fell through. Looks like I'm going to have to wait until NEXT weekend. Bummer.
The big birthday present idea fell through. BUMMER. Turned out that was going to be cruise tickets... Alaskan cruise tickets... He'd alreay put a down payment on the tickets, but apparently they just recently changed the rules so that you have to be 21 to go or either have someone 25+with you. LAME. One day...
SO glad today is hump day!!! (middle of the work week!) We should all only ever have to work 3 day work weeks. 8 hrs a day. What a life... Today's our work holiday party at 1. I'm excited for it because I've never been to one before, but I have the feeling it's going to be really lame... If we'd had more enrollments e would be going off campus somewhere for a few hours and closing down shop in the meantime, but seeing as we HAVEN'T had tons lately, it's in the building for MAYBE an hour, and I know I won't even get that much because people are going to have to take turns covering the front desk for me. Not very fair of me to stay for the entire party when others are having to cover me... We're doing the whole white elephant gift exchange deal. I copied a gift my moom was doing a week ago and lined up a cute six pack of cokes (the original glass bottles) and put some Scotch tape with it and put a note with it saying, "The holidays can be stressful. Kick back and relx with some scotch and soda." hahaha, I'm excited to see them open it. I put it in a victoria's secret bag- should make the recipient nervous at first. haha.
Marcy and Chris got here yesterday! For over the last week Marcy, Km and I had been planning on attending a yoga class at the studio by my place. Kim and I have gone there a handful of times and were excited to show it off to our yoga instructor sister. Kim called earlier in the day to confirm the classes for the evening, and they'd changed the schedule for the holidays. The class we wanted at 7 was gone, but there was a similar one at 8:30. We got there at 8:20, but the doors were still locked. We waited. And waited.... by the time 8:40 rolled around, we backed out. It was a disappointment, for sure. We were excited to go... Oh well. Marcy was REALLY tired anyways. She'd technically been up since 2 am our time and was planning on snowboarding this morning, so it was probably best for her to just go back to Boteen's (my parents) to crash.
Not sure how my evening will be spent tonight, but I hope it involves Marcy and Chris. I haven't seen Chris yet. I get off early today, too, so things are looking up. :) (I had to be here early... didn't dig waking up..)
Chris Taylor was prodding me a few weeks ago asking where all the pictures I took on Thanksgiving are... To be honest, I entirely forgot I even took pictures! haha. I'll try to get those up before Christmas..
p.s.- It's really peculiar how many of my nightmares are located in public restrooms... throughoout my entire life- I've ALWAYS had nightmares about public restrooms.. It had been a LONG time since I remembered having one until last night.. There's always some default with the restroom that I don't realize until it's too late. In last night's, the stall walls kept shrinking in height. That happens in a lot of them. The walls were low enough to make eye contact with everyone in each stall, sitting! and I was trying to change my clothes... it was awful. That and I believe at some point, inall of the other stalls girls were doing other girls hair- as if the restroom were a hair salon. But I was USING the restroom- once again. humiliating...
Why do i have so many nightmares about public restrooms...
The Saturday event with the pirate clues fell through. Looks like I'm going to have to wait until NEXT weekend. Bummer.
The big birthday present idea fell through. BUMMER. Turned out that was going to be cruise tickets... Alaskan cruise tickets... He'd alreay put a down payment on the tickets, but apparently they just recently changed the rules so that you have to be 21 to go or either have someone 25+with you. LAME. One day...
SO glad today is hump day!!! (middle of the work week!) We should all only ever have to work 3 day work weeks. 8 hrs a day. What a life... Today's our work holiday party at 1. I'm excited for it because I've never been to one before, but I have the feeling it's going to be really lame... If we'd had more enrollments e would be going off campus somewhere for a few hours and closing down shop in the meantime, but seeing as we HAVEN'T had tons lately, it's in the building for MAYBE an hour, and I know I won't even get that much because people are going to have to take turns covering the front desk for me. Not very fair of me to stay for the entire party when others are having to cover me... We're doing the whole white elephant gift exchange deal. I copied a gift my moom was doing a week ago and lined up a cute six pack of cokes (the original glass bottles) and put some Scotch tape with it and put a note with it saying, "The holidays can be stressful. Kick back and relx with some scotch and soda." hahaha, I'm excited to see them open it. I put it in a victoria's secret bag- should make the recipient nervous at first. haha.
Marcy and Chris got here yesterday! For over the last week Marcy, Km and I had been planning on attending a yoga class at the studio by my place. Kim and I have gone there a handful of times and were excited to show it off to our yoga instructor sister. Kim called earlier in the day to confirm the classes for the evening, and they'd changed the schedule for the holidays. The class we wanted at 7 was gone, but there was a similar one at 8:30. We got there at 8:20, but the doors were still locked. We waited. And waited.... by the time 8:40 rolled around, we backed out. It was a disappointment, for sure. We were excited to go... Oh well. Marcy was REALLY tired anyways. She'd technically been up since 2 am our time and was planning on snowboarding this morning, so it was probably best for her to just go back to Boteen's (my parents) to crash.
Not sure how my evening will be spent tonight, but I hope it involves Marcy and Chris. I haven't seen Chris yet. I get off early today, too, so things are looking up. :) (I had to be here early... didn't dig waking up..)
Chris Taylor was prodding me a few weeks ago asking where all the pictures I took on Thanksgiving are... To be honest, I entirely forgot I even took pictures! haha. I'll try to get those up before Christmas..
p.s.- It's really peculiar how many of my nightmares are located in public restrooms... throughoout my entire life- I've ALWAYS had nightmares about public restrooms.. It had been a LONG time since I remembered having one until last night.. There's always some default with the restroom that I don't realize until it's too late. In last night's, the stall walls kept shrinking in height. That happens in a lot of them. The walls were low enough to make eye contact with everyone in each stall, sitting! and I was trying to change my clothes... it was awful. That and I believe at some point, inall of the other stalls girls were doing other girls hair- as if the restroom were a hair salon. But I was USING the restroom- once again. humiliating...
Why do i have so many nightmares about public restrooms...
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Exactly 1 month since last time
Dear imaginary followers,
(blogging has somewhat turned into an online journal for me. Nobody follows these anymore... oh well.)
While deciding to post something just now, I relaized it had been exactly a month since I last posted.
Things are going well at Fortis. I'm settling in, getting to know the people and my routine better. Some days are very stressful and have me running around headless for hours, but I think I secretly prefer those days over the trecherously slow days.. They go by fast, which makes the week go by faster, which brings me my weekends with Denver faster.
I am learning to truely value the time I get with him on the weekends on those stolen moments during the week that I get to see him.
I have so much I feel like talking about right now, but I'm only here for another ten minutes... I'm at work :P I don't like using D's laptop. The screen is wide and awkward and cuts off a lot...
Christmas is a week from tomorrow. :D Very excited for that. Also excited for this weekend. Denver needs an evening out to give me one gift- and with Marcy coming in from Philly over Christmas, we can garauntee that'll happen, so he's taking me out this Saturday for part one. Whatever shall it be... The only clue he will give me involves him talking like a pirate. That's it. The words aren't useful- it's just him talking like a pirate. He enjoys this because he knows it does me no good in cracking the mystery..
I've decided to calm down and wait this year. No more straining myself trying to figure out what it is and spoiling the suprise.
He said next month is going to be the expensive and exciting gift, though, for my birthday.
I can't believe I'm turning 20 next month! Seems so young, but at the same time- no longer a teenager? WEIRD! Ok, not that weird- I don't really feel like a teenager. When I started at Fortis everyone's average guess at my age was around 23- and I'm not going to say I don't feel like that most of the time. Denver are much more mature than most people our ages- but then again- he and I can be complete children as well. I love that man- it's ridiculous how much alike we are.
We got a christmas tree up! It's only 4 feet tall, but it's prelit and adorable! I have all of his gifts beneath it, perfectly wrapped. I love the presentation- I should open my own store where I wrap gifts, cuz I'm good at it! Not to be cocky....
just about quittin time. Better get things closed down.
Feel free to comment and let me know I'm not just talking to myself,
(blogging has somewhat turned into an online journal for me. Nobody follows these anymore... oh well.)
While deciding to post something just now, I relaized it had been exactly a month since I last posted.
Things are going well at Fortis. I'm settling in, getting to know the people and my routine better. Some days are very stressful and have me running around headless for hours, but I think I secretly prefer those days over the trecherously slow days.. They go by fast, which makes the week go by faster, which brings me my weekends with Denver faster.
I am learning to truely value the time I get with him on the weekends on those stolen moments during the week that I get to see him.
I have so much I feel like talking about right now, but I'm only here for another ten minutes... I'm at work :P I don't like using D's laptop. The screen is wide and awkward and cuts off a lot...
Christmas is a week from tomorrow. :D Very excited for that. Also excited for this weekend. Denver needs an evening out to give me one gift- and with Marcy coming in from Philly over Christmas, we can garauntee that'll happen, so he's taking me out this Saturday for part one. Whatever shall it be... The only clue he will give me involves him talking like a pirate. That's it. The words aren't useful- it's just him talking like a pirate. He enjoys this because he knows it does me no good in cracking the mystery..
I've decided to calm down and wait this year. No more straining myself trying to figure out what it is and spoiling the suprise.
He said next month is going to be the expensive and exciting gift, though, for my birthday.
I can't believe I'm turning 20 next month! Seems so young, but at the same time- no longer a teenager? WEIRD! Ok, not that weird- I don't really feel like a teenager. When I started at Fortis everyone's average guess at my age was around 23- and I'm not going to say I don't feel like that most of the time. Denver are much more mature than most people our ages- but then again- he and I can be complete children as well. I love that man- it's ridiculous how much alike we are.
We got a christmas tree up! It's only 4 feet tall, but it's prelit and adorable! I have all of his gifts beneath it, perfectly wrapped. I love the presentation- I should open my own store where I wrap gifts, cuz I'm good at it! Not to be cocky....
just about quittin time. Better get things closed down.
Feel free to comment and let me know I'm not just talking to myself,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Greetings from Fortis
So as I mentioned in my last post, I'm now working for Fortis College.
Here are the updates.
I started full time yesterday, though I did come in for two 4 hour days last week to get a head start on training.
That's the joke of it..
Ashley, the gal I'm replacing, was supposed to be here Monday and Tuesday for her last days, but of course, she didn't show. The most unfortunate part is that she was really the only person here who knew her job top to bottom, and therefore the only person here who could adequately train me.
Now I'm stuck with training by fire, having to learn everything as it comes up. This is a very random way to learn the job, thus a very difficult way to memorize my responsibilities.
Not only is that factor extremely stressful, but I'm also hating the not-seeing-Denver-in-the-days part. Times a million. And I'm only starting day 2 right now... It'll be an adjustment, and I sure hope it gets easier. He is actually in the process of trying to change his schedule to be a few hours earlier, so that he'd get off at 8 and I'd still get to see him for a short while every evening.
So there's the updates. I'm definitely in panic mode, but that's just how I am when it comes to major change. Hopefully when I learn a routine here, things will get better. And once I get my first paycheck. :]
Here are the updates.
I started full time yesterday, though I did come in for two 4 hour days last week to get a head start on training.
That's the joke of it..
Ashley, the gal I'm replacing, was supposed to be here Monday and Tuesday for her last days, but of course, she didn't show. The most unfortunate part is that she was really the only person here who knew her job top to bottom, and therefore the only person here who could adequately train me.
Now I'm stuck with training by fire, having to learn everything as it comes up. This is a very random way to learn the job, thus a very difficult way to memorize my responsibilities.
Not only is that factor extremely stressful, but I'm also hating the not-seeing-Denver-in-the-days part. Times a million. And I'm only starting day 2 right now... It'll be an adjustment, and I sure hope it gets easier. He is actually in the process of trying to change his schedule to be a few hours earlier, so that he'd get off at 8 and I'd still get to see him for a short while every evening.
So there's the updates. I'm definitely in panic mode, but that's just how I am when it comes to major change. Hopefully when I learn a routine here, things will get better. And once I get my first paycheck. :]
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Boy how change scares me...
Alrighty ladies and gents.
Just recently, I've been offered a new job, and after long deliberation, decided I had to give it a shot.
Just recently, I've been offered a new job, and after long deliberation, decided I had to give it a shot.

I've been trying to get this receptionist position with Fortis College for probably 4 months. Well, I was trying 4 months ago, thinking I was in for sure, but then it fell through. Then I got a call last Thursday saying the girl who had the position just quit and asked if I wanted the job.
Now, when I originally applied for the postition, I was oblivious as to what I wanted to go to school for. Now that I know, I wasn't so sure about the job. At Massage Envy, I work evenings Mon-Thurs. This is perfect for my ideal morning school schedule. Fortis is a Mon-Fri morning job that would force me to take night classes- an idea I'm not too fond of.
Also, since I originally applied, I got a raise and a promotion at Massage Envy. The offer Fortis gave me 4 months ago was enough to sway me then, but not now if it meant sacrificing my school schedule. I told that to the potential boss, and he agreed to an amount that I'd be stupid to refuse.
I'd be doing all the same things there as I am at Massage Envy, minus the sales (which I hate- I'm no saleswoman). For almost 6 grand more a year, plus benefits. I looked up next semester's classes and decided there will be classes in the evening I can take, and accepted the job. Thursday, November 12th will be my last day at Massage Envy, and Monday, November 16th, will be my first day at Fortis.
As of right now, I'm surely not butterflies-in-my-gut-excited, but I do know it will be a great opportunity- financially and professionally. But I'm still scared to death.
Another major downfall is that I'll rarely get to see Denver. As of right now, his and my schedules are practically the same. With me starting at Fortis, they'll be opposite Mon-Thurs.(So I'll only get to see him Friday nights and Saturdays. Not sure how I'm going to handle that... He is my sanity and my happiness. I already miss him and I haven't even started the job.)
I've found career motivation.
A few weeks back, a good friend of mine from work mentioned that she wants to go into sonography (ultra sound tech). All of a sudden, I was stoked by the idea. I've always had such a fetish with prego bellies- how hadn't I thought of this earlier? I would have a blast being the sonographer at an OB or something else like Fetal Photos. So for the first time ever, I'm motivated to go to school for a specific career. I'm amazed, because I took this last semester off to do just that, and it happened. So now I'm planning on joining the DMS (Diagnostic Medical Sonography) program at either SLCC or Weber once I complete the prerequistes for it next semester. :] And as exciting as that is, I'm still nervous- that's a big decision to make.
A few weeks back, a good friend of mine from work mentioned that she wants to go into sonography (ultra sound tech). All of a sudden, I was stoked by the idea. I've always had such a fetish with prego bellies- how hadn't I thought of this earlier? I would have a blast being the sonographer at an OB or something else like Fetal Photos. So for the first time ever, I'm motivated to go to school for a specific career. I'm amazed, because I took this last semester off to do just that, and it happened. So now I'm planning on joining the DMS (Diagnostic Medical Sonography) program at either SLCC or Weber once I complete the prerequistes for it next semester. :] And as exciting as that is, I'm still nervous- that's a big decision to make.
I hate change.
But everyone else tells me it's good...
Hope this job turns out to be a good choice.. wish me luck. :]
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Shoes or Car?
Denver and I had this debate a while ago-
-What says more about a person: the SHOES they wear, or the CAR they drive?
I sent this out via text to many people, and my answer was the majority of everyone else's answers, but now I'd like to take it to the blog- so comment and tell your answer. :] And why, if you'd like.
-What says more about a person: the SHOES they wear, or the CAR they drive?
I sent this out via text to many people, and my answer was the majority of everyone else's answers, but now I'd like to take it to the blog- so comment and tell your answer. :] And why, if you'd like.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Still no glasses.... Awesome...
My eyeballs are so sick of contact lenses.
On the positive side, I am going camping next weekend.
Payson Lake.
Couldn't be more excited. :]
Pictures of that to come soon afterwards.
My eyeballs are so sick of contact lenses.
On the positive side, I am going camping next weekend.
Payson Lake.
Couldn't be more excited. :]
Pictures of that to come soon afterwards.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
19 days later...
It's been 19 days since I posted my apartment blog.
In those 19 days,
I have YET to find my glasses.
Very, very annoyed.
My eyeballs are sick of my contacts.
Just so you all know.
Stupid sneaky kitty...
She hid my contacts case the other day too,
but I found that under the couch.
Still no glasses...
I miss them so.
In those 19 days,
I have YET to find my glasses.
Very, very annoyed.
My eyeballs are sick of my contacts.
Just so you all know.
Stupid sneaky kitty...
She hid my contacts case the other day too,
but I found that under the couch.
Still no glasses...
I miss them so.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The apartment, but mostly kitty kitty.
Finally, here are some pictures of the apartment.
A lot are of Jes's cat. a few of her pup.
I got two of these lanterns for the patio.
Super cute.
I drew this at work the other day, haha.
there is an ugly power box and phone jack under these. the box pictures are only balancing there. Pretty sturdy, actually.
kitchen. kind of messy...
my dad made the frame for this poster.
my room. :]
she can be cute sometimes.
pretty funny picture of kitty kitty.
Ollie is such a silly lookin dog... such a long neck.
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